Goal-Based Business Modeling Oriented towards Late Requirements Generation


Authors: Alicia Martínez, Hugo Estrada, Oscar Pastor

Tags: 2003, conceptual modeling

Recently, a lot of research efforts in software engineering have focused on integrating business modeling as a key piece in requirements engineering. In these research works, the business models are proposed as the source of the software requirements specification process. However, the majority of these works focus only on the definition of notations that permit the representation of the semantics of the organizational context, and only a few works define processes to generate business models and to use these to generate a requirements model. This lack of both generation methods and traceability relationships between models makes practical application in software development enterprises difficult. The objective of this paper is to define a goal-based methodological approach for the generation of business models and to use these models as the starting point for the process of software requirements specification. This will enable us to develop information systems that integrate the necessary functionality so that the business actors perform their tasks and fulfill their goals.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-39648-2_23