Goal-Oriented Authoring Approach and Design of Learning Systems


Authors: Jean-Philippe Pernin, Valérie Emin, Viviane Guéraud

Tags: 2008, conceptual modeling

Since several years, a set of researches concerns process modeling of learning situations integrating digital technologies. Educational Modelling Languages (EML) have been carried out to provide interoperable descriptions of learning scenarios. In order to generalize the use of EML, it is necessary to provide authoring environments allowing users to express their intentions and requirements. This paper presents the core concepts of ISiS (Intentions, Strategies, and interactional Situations), a conceptual framework elaborated to structure the design of learning scenarios by teachers-designers. The framework is based on a goal-oriented approach and proposes to explicitly identify intentional, strategic, tactical and operational dimensions of a scenario.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-87991-6_35