Granularity in Conceptual Modelling: Application to Metamodels


Authors: Brian Henderson-Sellers, Cesar Gonzalez-Perez

Tags: 2010, conceptual modeling

The granularity of conceptual models depends at least in part on the granularity of their underpinning metamodel. Here we investigate the theory of granularity as it can be applied to conceptual modelling and, especially, metamodelling for information systems development methodologies. With a background context of situational method engineering, this paper applies some theoretical works on granularity to the study of current metamodelling approaches. It also establishes some granularity-related best practices to take into account when adopting a metamodel, especially for its future use in developing method fragments for situational method engineering. Using these best practices will result in components of better quality and, consequently, better conceptual models and methodologies.

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