How to Manage Uniformly Software Architecture at Different Abstraction Levels


Authors: Dalila Tamzalit, Mourad Oussalah, Nassima Sadou

Tags: 2005, conceptual modeling

We aim to rise software architecture evolution to a higher level of abstraction. We consider the software architecture through three abstraction levels namely, from the most abstract one: the meta level, the architectural one and the application level. According to this, we propose SAEV (Software Architecture EVolution Model). It can describe and manage the evolution at these different levels in a uniform way: as well the evolution of architectures as the evolution of applications. In addition, it can manage the evolution independently of any description or implementation language. For this, software architecture elements (like component, interface, connector and configuration) are considered as first-class entities and SAEV leans on its own concepts and evolution mechanism. SAEV associates to each architectural element its evolution strategy and evolution rules which define its evolution. These rules and strategies must respect all invariants defined on each architectural element to guarantee the coherence of architecture across the evolution.

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