Identifying Safety Hazards: An Experimental Comparison of System Diagrams and Textual Use Cases


Authors: Guttorm Sindre, Tor Stålhane

Tags: 2012, conceptual modeling

As ICT is increasingly used in critical systems, safety is a growing concern. Safety hazards should be discovered and handled at an early stage of IS development, since it is much more expensive to redesign a system post hoc due to threats that were initially overlooked. It is therefore interesting to integrate safety analysis with textual and diagrammatic specifications used in mainstream system development. This paper reports on an experiment comparing how well system diagrams and textual uses cases support the identification of hazards in a simple railway control system. The two most important conclusions are that textual uses cases are as good as or better than system diagrams for hazard identification in all cases except for peripheral equipment and that including system diagrams in the documentation is not enough − they must be brought into focus for the analysis.

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