Implementing Sequoia 2000 Benchmark on Shusse-Uo and Its Performance


Authors: Akifumi Makinouchi, Botao Wang, Hiroyuki Horinokuchi, Kunihiko Kaneko, Susumu Kuroki

Tags: 1998, conceptual modeling

As an ODBMS, Shusse-Uo is built on Network Of Workstations (NOW). In Shusse-Uo, a storage manager based on distributed shared memory and a persistent programming language for object management are provided. In the paper, we introduce Shusse-Uo and discuss its features to deal with spatial data. Sequoia 2000 benchmark database is built on it. Performance tests of Shusse-Uo using Sequoia 2000 benchmark are performed. Some processing strategies are presented and the influences of clustering data on performance are analyzed, too. The results are compared with those of the related systems.

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