Improving the quality of conceptual modeling usingcognitive mapping techniques


Authors: Keng Siau, Xin Tan

Tags: 2005, conceptual modeling

Conceptual modeling involves the understanding and communication between system analysts and end-users. Many factors may affect the quality of conceptual modeling processes as well as the models per se.Human cognition plays a pivotal role in understanding these factors and cognitive mapping techniques areeffective tools to elicit and represent human cognition. In this paper, we look at the use of cognitive map-ping techniques to improve the quality of conceptual modeling. We review frameworks on quality in con-ceptual modeling and examine the role of human cognition in conceptual modeling. The paper alsodiscusses how human cognition is related to quality in conceptual modeling, the various cognitive mappingtechniques, and how these cognitive mapping techniques can be used in conceptual modeling. Through acase study, the paper describes ways of incorporating cognitive mapping techniques to a popular systemsdevelopment methodology—Soft Systems Methodology—to improve the quality of conceptual modeling.

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