Improving the Quality of Entity Relationship Models—Experience in Research and Practice


Authors: Daniel L. Moody, Graeme G. Shanks, Peta Darke

Tags: 1998, conceptual modeling

This paper is an extension of previous research which developed a framework for evaluating and improving the quality of Entity Relationship models. The framework has now been used extensively in research and practice, including application in two of the largest commercial organisations in Australia. The experiences gained have been used to further develop and refine the framework. This paper describes how the framework has been used to: (a) quality assure data models as part of application development projects (product quality); (b) reengineer application development procedures to build quality into the data modelling process (process quality); (c) provide automated support for the evaluation process (Data Model Quality Advisor); (d) investigate the differences between data models produced by expert and novice data modellers. The results show that use of the framework has the potential to significantly improve research, practice and teaching of data modelling.

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