Improving the quality of use case models using antipatterns


Authors: James Miller, Mohamed El-Attar

Tags: 2010, conceptual modeling

Use case (UC) modeling is a popular requirements modeling technique. While these models are simple to create and read; this simplicity is often misconceived, leading practitioners to believe that creating high quality models is straightforward. Therefore, many low quality models that are inconsistent, incorrect, contain premature restrictive design decision and contain ambiguous information are produced. To combat this problem of creating low quality UC models, this paper presents a new technique that utilizes antipatterns as a mechanism for remedying quality problems in UC models. The technique, supported by the tool ARBIUM, provides a framework for developers to define antipatterns. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated by applying it to a real-world system. The results indicate that applying the technique improves the overall quality and clarity of UC models.

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