Incremental Method Enactment for Computer Aided Software Engineering Tools


Authors: Geurt van Tuijl, Kevin Vlaanderen, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Slinger Jansen

Tags: 2013, conceptual modeling

In most cases, enactment is the most resource consuming aspect of process improvement, as large process changes are put into practice. Problems that typically are encountered include ineffective process changes, resistance from employees, and unclarity about the advantages of the new process. These problems can be avoided by incrementally implementing process changes, especially if the enactment is supported by process management tools that immediately change the processes and workflow in information systems. In this paper, we explain and demonstrate the concept of incremental method enactment for CASE tools. The concept is evaluated through a prototype, which is assessed by industry experts. The results of this study point give direction towards the further development of incremental method enactment.

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