Innovative Teaching Materials and Method s for Systems Analysis and Design


Authors: Lorne Olfman, Robert P. Bostrom

Tags: 1992, conceptual modeling

This article describes materials and methods for a course in systems analysis and design . While the article is prescriptive rather than empirical, it offers new directions for instructors who wish to adopt an action research approach to syllabu s development . Information systems developers perform tw o roles in the process of managing a development project : the developer is both analyst/designer and facilitator . Traditiona l textbooks for systems analysis and design courses emphasiz e the analyst/designer role, but say little about the facilitato r role . We have developed course materials and teachin g methods to address facilitation skills : outcome thinking, group process, and communications. We also emphasize some analyst/designer skills that are not addressed in the traditiona l texts, such as creative thinking, socio-technical systems, and CASE tool concepts . Our teaching methods include th e personal journal, which allows students to tailor classroo m materials to their own needs, as well as other methods fo r providing experiential learning of course materials.

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