Integrating Requirement and Solution Modelling: Approach and Experiences


Authors: Anders Carstensen, Dag Karlsen, Frank Lillehagen, Janis Stirna, Kurt Sandkuhl, Lennart Holmberg, Per Högberg, Svein G. Johnsen

Tags: 2007, conceptual modeling

We discuss how an Enterprise Modelling approach, namely C3S3P, has been applied in an automotive supplier company. The paper concentrates on the phases of the C3S3P development process such as Concept Study, Scaffolding, Scoping, and Requirements Modelling. We have also presented the concept of task pattern which has been used in the MAPPER project for capturing, documenting and sharing best practices concerning business processes in organisation. Within this application context we have analysed our experiences concerning stakeholder participation and task pattern development.

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