Integrating the ER approach in an OO environment


Authors: G. Denker, M. Gogolla, N. Vlachantonis, R. Herzig, S. Conrad

Tags: 1993, conceptual modeling

We translate Entity-Relationship (ER) schemas into the object-oriented specification language TROLL light. This language describes the Universe of Discourse (UoD) as a system of concurrently existing and interacting objects, i.e., an object community. Thereby two essential aspects, structure and behavior, are integrated in one formalism. By doing the translation from ER to TROLL light we preserve the visual advantages of the former and receive a formalism through the latter which can be mapped to an adequate object-oriented database system. Proceeding this way we hope our proposal for transforming ER schemas into TROLL light specifications provides a valuable link between structural and dynamic modeling.

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