Interactive Data-Driven Process Model Construction


Authors: H. M. W. Verbeek, J. C. A. M. Buijs, P. M. Dixit, W. M. P. van der Aalst

Tags: 2018, conceptual modeling

Process discovery algorithms address the problem of learning process models from event logs. Typically, in such settings a user’s activity is limited to configuring the parameters of the discovery algorithm, and hence the user expertise/domain knowledge can not be incorporated during traditional process discovery. In a setting where the event logs are noisy, incomplete and/or contain uninteresting activities, the process models discovered by discovery algorithms are often inaccurate and/or incomprehensible. Furthermore, many of these automated techniques can produce unsound models and/or cannot discover duplicate activities, silent activities etc. To overcome such shortcomings, we introduce a new concept to interactively discover a process model, by combining a user’s domain knowledge with the information from the event log. The discovered models are always sound and can have duplicate activities, silent activities etc. An objective evaluation and a case study shows that the proposed approach can outperform traditional discovery techniques.

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