Linguistically based conceptual modeling of business communication


Authors: A.A.G. Steuten, J. L. G. Dietz, R. P. van de Riet

Tags: 2000, conceptual modeling

In the performance of activities in an organization, communication plays a dominant role in that it allows people tocoordinate their activities. They organize their activities by having conversations intending to initiate actions and reporton them. The modeling of business communication is a central part in the communication-centered organizationalmodeling approach called dynamic essential modeling of organizations (DEMO), and is important for specifying thebehavior of participating actors in detail. According to DEMO, by performing communicative acts, we call them or-ganization primitives, di€erent kinds of commitments are produced and mutual obligations are established. In thispaper, we elaborate on the proÆts of using linguistic instruments for modeling business communication. In particular,we examine how functional grammar (FG) can be used to determine the (structure of) organization primitives. Toillustrate this we use some expressions extracted from an actual conversation involving a hotel reservation. In addition,we focus on the proÆts of using FG for requirements engineering by an exploration of the relation between FG andConceptual Prototyping Language (CPL). For this examination, we use a requirements document concerning thereservation function of a hotel

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