Linking Lightweight and Heavyweight Systems Analysis by Converting Service Responsibility Tables into UML Diagrams


Authors: Keng Siau, Steven Alter, Xin Tan

Tags: 2008

Heavyweight systems analysis approaches such as the use of Unified Modeling Language (UML) are inappropriate for business professionals who nonetheless need to participate actively in systems analysis and design processes to ensure that the system requirements reflect their needs. This paper proposes the use of a lightweight analysis approach based on Service Responsibility Tables (SRTs) to serve as a front-end to UML diagrams. Business professionals (with or without the help of IT professionals) can use this lightweight approach to specify at least part of system requirements. Subsequently, IT professionals can perform heavyweight analysis for the design and implementation of hardware and software. This work-in-progress paper presents heuristics for transforming two types of SRTs into the two primary UML diagrams. The research is on-going, and a plan for future research is presented.

Cite as:
Tan X., Alter S., Siau K. (2008). “Linking Lightweight and Heavyweight Systems Analysis by Converting Service Responsibility Tables into UML Diagrams,” in AIS SIGSAND, Provo, Utah, United States, May 23-24, 2008.