Location-Based Software Modeling and Analysis: Tropos-Based Approach


Authors: Fabiano Dalpiaz, Paolo Giorgini, Raian Ali

Tags: 2008, conceptual modeling

The continuous growth of interest in mobile applications makes the concept of location essential to design and develop software systems. Location-based software is supposed to be able to monitor the surrounding location and choose accordingly the most appropriate behavior. In this paper, we propose a novel conceptual framework to model and analyze location-based software. We mainly focus on the social facets of location adopting concepts such as actor, resource, and location-based behavior. Our approach is based on Tropos methodology and allows the analyst to elicit and model software requirements according to the different locations where the software will operate. We propose an extension of Tropos modeling and adapt its process to suit well with the development of location-based software. The proposed framework also includes automated analysis techniques to reason about the relation between location and location-based software.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-87877-3_14