Managing Polyglot Systems Metadata with Hypergraphs


Authors: Alberto Abelló, Esteban Zimányi, Jovan Varga, Moditha Hewasinghage

Tags: 2018, conceptual modeling

A single type of data store can hardly fulfill every end-user requirements in the NoSQL world. Therefore, polyglot systems use different types of NoSQL datastores in combination. However, the heterogeneity of the data storage models makes managing the metadata a complex task in such systems, with only a handful of research carried out to address this. In this paper, we propose a hypergraph-based approach for representing the catalog of metadata in a polyglot system. Taking an existing common programming interface to NoSQL systems, we extend and formalize it as hypergraphs for managing metadata. Then, we define design constraints and query transformation rules for three representative data store types. Furthermore, we propose a simple query rewriting algorithm using the catalog itself for these data store types and provide a prototype implementation. Finally, we show the feasibility of our approach on a use case of an existing polyglot system.

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