Measuring SOA Success


Authors: John Erickson, Keng Siau

Tags: 2008

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web Services, and Service Oriented Computing (SOC) have become the buzz words of the day for many in the business world. It seems that virtually every company has implemented, is in the midst of implementing or is seriously considering a SOA project, a Web Services project, or adopting ServiceOriented Computing. A critical question many organizations are facing now is – how do we measure SOA success? Is return on investment a good measure of SOA projects? What about intangible factors such as comparative advantage or competitive necessity? What about agility, nimbleness, and responsiveness? This research will examine the various factors of measuring project success and use a Delphi study as the research method to solicit inputs from a panel of experts on measure SOA success.

Cite as:
Erickson J., Siau K. (2008). “Measuring SOA Success,” in AIS SIGSAND, Provo, Utah, United States, May 23-24, 2008.