Methodological guidelines for reusing general ontologies


Authors: Asuncion Gomez-Perez, Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Mariano Fernández-López

Tags: 2013, conceptual modeling

Currently, there is a great deal of well-founded explicit knowledge formalizing general notions,such as time concepts and thepart_ofrelation. Yet, it is often the case that instead of reusingontologies that implement such notions (the so-called general ontologies), engineers createprocedural programs that implicitly implement this knowledge. They do not save time andcode by reusing explicit knowledge, and devote effort to solve problems that other people havealready adequately solved. Consequently, we have developed a methodology that helpsengineers to: (a) identify the type of general ontology to be reused; (b) find out which axiomsand definitions should be reused; (c) make a decision, using formal concept analysis, on whatgeneral ontology is going to be reused; and (d) adapt and integrate the selected general ontologyin the domain ontology to be developed. To illustrate our approach we have employed use-cases.For each use case, we provide a set of heuristics with examples. Each of these heuristics has beentested in either OWL or Prolog. Our methodology has been applied to develop a pharmaceuticalproduct ontology. Additionally, we have carried out a controlled experiment with graduatedstudents doing a MCs in Artificial Intelligence. This experiment has yielded some interestingfindings concerning what kind of features the future extensions of the methodology shouldhave.

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