Mining the Organisational Perspective in Agile Business Processes


Authors: Cristina Cabanillas, Jan Mendling, Stefan Jablonski, Stefan Schönig

Tags: 2015, conceptual modeling

Agile processes depend on human resources, decisions and expert knowledge, and they are especially versatile and comprise rather complex scenarios. Declarative, i.e., rule-based, process models are well-suited for modelling these processes. Although there are several mining techniques to discover such declarative process models from event logs, they put less emphasis on the organisational perspective, which specifies how resources are involved in the activities. As a consequence, the resulting models do not specify who should execute which task and with which constraint (like separation of duties) in mind. In this paper, we propose a process mining approach to discover resource-aware, declarative process models. Our specific contribution is the extraction of complex rules for resource assignment that integrate the control-flow and organisational perspectives. Our experiments demonstrate the expressiveness of the mined rules with a reference to the Workflow Resource Patterns and a real-world use case.

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