Mobile Information Systems – Research Challenges on the Conceptual and Logical Level


Authors: Andreas Opdahl, Barbara Pernici, John Krogstie, Kalle Lyytinen, Kari Smolander, Keng Siau

Tags: 2002, conceptual modeling

This paper discusses new challenges and possible approaches for developing and evolving mobile information systems, with focus on model-based approaches on the conceptual and logical level. We have experienced these new challenges through several research and industrial projects on mobile solutions, usability and model-based approaches over the last years. We summarize the main challenges on how model-based approaches can support the development of mobile information systems that are to be used together with other types of systems, primarily in a professional setting and indicate upcoming research issues in this very dynamic area. We argue that this research area is also timely, because the underlying technological infrastructure are just becoming sufficiently mature to make feasible research on conceptual and logical, and not only on technical issues.

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