Modeling and enforcing secure object flows in process-driven SOAs: an integrated model-driven approach


Authors: Bernhard Hoisl, Mark Strembeck, Stefan Sobernig

Tags: 2014, conceptual modeling

In this paper, we present an integrated model-driven approach for the specification and the enforcement of secure object flows in process-driven service-oriented architectures (SOA). In this context, a secure object flow ensures the confidentiality and the integrity of important objects (such as business contracts or electronic patient records) that are passed between different participants in SOA-based business processes. We specify a formal and generic metamodel for secure object flows that can be used to extend arbitrary process modeling languages. To demonstrate our approach, we present a UML extension for secure object flows. Moreover, we describe how platform-independent models are mapped to platform-specific software artifacts via automated model transformations. In addition, we give a detailed description of how we integrated our approach with the Eclipse modeling tools.

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