Modeling and Maintaining Multi-view Data Warehouses


Authors: A. El Abbadi, D. Agrawal, I. Stanoi

Tags: 1999, conceptual modeling

Data warehouses are designed mostly as centralized systems, and the majority of update maintenance algorithms are tailored for this specific model. Maintenance methods have been proposed either under the assumption of a single view data warehouse, a multi-view centralized model, or a multi-view distributed system with strict synchronization restrictions. We argue that extending this model to a multi-view distributed one, is a practical generalization of the data warehouse system, andt he basis for a growing number of applications basedon the idea of cooperative views. In this paper we develop a general framework for modeling the maintenance of multi-views in a distributed, decentralized data warehouse, together with an efficient incremental algorithm for view maintenance. To our knowledge, there is no other proposal for a method that incorporates individually and asynchronously updates to different views that are related to each other through derivation dependencies.

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