Modeling Exchange Agreements with DEMO/PSI and Core Component of Communication


Authors: David Aveiro, Duarte Gouveia

Tags: 2017, conceptual modeling

Intervac Home Exchange is an international club, created in 1953, where members exchange their house during a limited period without money transfers between them. Both parties negotiate and establish an exchange agreement with specific terms of the exchange. This club requested our collaboration to improve their existing online exchange agreement, as it doesn’t fully satisfy their members. We show that it is hard to model this kind of exchange agreement with existing state of the art in enterprise engineering modeling methods (DEMO/PSI). We propose the usage of Core Component of Communication (CCC), which is an evolution of the existing DEMO/PSI theory done by the authors. We show how CCC can be applied to this real-life organization and better solve the challenges posed by this kind of agreements. Analytical evaluation is performed to compare both approaches.

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