Modeling Geospatial Databases with Plug-Ins for Visual Languages: A Pragmatic Approach and the Impacts of 16 Years of Research and Experimentations on Perceptory


Authors: Marie-Josée Proulx, Martin Nadeau, Suzie Larrivée, Yvan Bédard

Tags: 2004, conceptual modeling

Modeling geospatial databases for GIS applications has always posed several challenges for system analysts, developers and their clients. Numerous improvements to modeling formalisms have been proposed by the research community over the last 15 years, most remaining within academia. This paper presents generic extensions (called Plug-Ins for Visual Languages or PVL) to facilitate spatial and temporal modeling of databases. For the first time, we explain its intrinsic relationship with an extended repository and how it has been influenced by pragmatic lessons learned from real life projects. We describe how we use PVLs with UML and how 16 years of fundamental research, diverse experimentations and feedbacks from users over the world shaped our approach. The final section presents Perceptory, a free repository-based UML+ PVL CASE developed to improve geospatial database modeling.

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