Motion Simulation of the Human Workers for the Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing Process Simulation Based on Info-Ergonomics Concept


Authors: Hiroshi Arisawa, Sayaka Imai, Takashi Tomii

Tags: 2001, conceptual modeling

This paper presents modeling of Working Process and Working Simulation in factory works. Also a concept for Mediator-based human body/motion modelin for application to Info-Ergomomics is offered. In Manufacturing Process Design, many simulations are executed in order to improve efficiency of designer’s work. But in many cases they are focusing on simulating and evaluating machines’ performance. In the present paper we will propose Info-Ergonomics, and Working Simulation by using CG. Also, we consider it as a possible way for unifying all the data used in various applications (CAD/CAM, etc) during the design process and evaluating all subsystems in a virtual Factory.

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