NF-SS: A Normal Form for Semistructured Schema


Authors: Gillian Dobbie, Mong Li Lee, Sin Yeung Lee, Tok Wang Ling, Xiaoying Wu

Tags: 2001, conceptual modeling

Semistructured data is becoming increasingly important for web applications with the development of XML and related technologies. Designing a “good” semistructured database is crucial to prevent data redundancy, inconsistency and undesirable updating anomalies. However, unlike relational databases, there is no normalization theory to facilitate the design of good semistructured databases. In this paper, we introduce the notion of a semistructured schema and identify the various anomalies that may occur in such a schema. A Normal Form for Semistructured Schemata, NF-SS, is proposed. A semistructured schema in NF-SS guarantees minimal redundancy and hence no undesirable updating anomalies for the associated semistructured databases. Furthermore, a semistructured schema in NF-SS gives a more reasonable representation of real world semantics. We develop an iterative algorithm based on a set of heuristic rules to restructure a semistructured schema into a normal form. These design methods also provide insights into the normalization task for semistructured databases.

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