ODAP: an ontological approach for expressing the semantics of analysis patterns in conceptual modeling


Authors: Merete Hvalshagen, Vijay Khatri

Tags: 2008, conceptual modeling

Systematic software reuse is emerging as a promising route to improved software development productivity and quality. While many benefits of patterns reuse have been identified, there is a need to develop a mechanism for supporting and automating the reuse of relevant analysis patterns for conceptual modeling. To enable effective reuse of analysis patterns, extant approaches require judgment about correctly instantiating and combining the analysis patterns. Building on prior research in ontology and conceptual modeling, we propose a ‘‘topdown’’ approach, referred to as Ontology for Describing Analysis Patterns (ODAP), to explicitly express the semantics of analysis patterns. We show how ODAP helps provide a mechanism to identify appropriate instances of analysis patterns including the discovery of valid combinations with other patterns in a patterns base. Thus, ODAP can enable communication of the meaning of the analysis pattern constructs to modelers and be the basis for a design support environment that supports the development of conceptual schemas using analysis patterns.

Read the full paper here: https://search.proquest.com/docview/194519204/fulltextPDF/C24AAFAAC767417CPQ/1?accountid=11357