On Ontological Foundations of Conceptual Modeling: A Response to Wyssusek


Authors: Ron Weber, Yair Wand

Tags: 2006, conceptual modeling

We welcome this opportunity to respond to Wyssusek’s (2006) critique of our work on the ontological foundations of conceptual modeling and, more generally, the ontological foundations of information systems. We appreciate his interest in and his undertaking a careful analysis of our work. We hope, in turn, that our responses will sharpen our discourse—to pinpoint more clearly where we agree and where we disagree. In the sections below, we first indicate briefly where we agree for the most part with Wyssusek’s arguments. We then address in more depth those areas where we are at odds with his views. Our goal is to debunk his arguments about how our work is flawed. Next, we address two matters that we see as incidental to Wyssusek’s and our respective positions. Nonetheless, these matters seem important to him in terms of his criticisms of our work. Finally, we provide some brief conclusions.

Read the full paper here: https://aisel.aisnet.org/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1038&context=sjis