On the feasibility of using conceptual modeling constructs for the design andanalysis of XML data


Authors: Arijit Sengupta

Tags: 2001, conceptual modeling

XML is one of the most widely accepted data representation languages in today’s Internet-dominated Computing. While most XML data on the net today use commonly known struc-tures, the power of XML lies in the ability to develop application-specific structures andmodels. XER (Extensible Entity Relationship) is a conceptual modeling methodology thatuses visual constructs reminiscent of Entity Relationship (ER) in the logical design of XML in-stead of relying on the text-based DTD (Document Type Definition) and XML Schema notations.In this paper, we demonstrate how XER can be used to effectively design and analyze applica-tions that use XML data. We also compare XER against other design constructs to demonstratethat a conceptual modeling artifact can potentially be superior to other artifacts for modelingXML structures, by significantly improving accuracy, efficiency and user satisfaction

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