On the Use of Requirement Patterns to Analyse Request for Proposal Documents


Authors: Carme Quer, Cristina Palomares, Dolors Costal, Lidia López, Xavier Franch

Tags: 2019, conceptual modeling

Requirements reuse is still today a difficult goal to achieve. One particular context in which requirements reuse may give more benefits than costs is that of call for tenders projects, due to the similarity of the requirements documents (which take the form of requests for proposal documents, RfPs) from one project to another. In this paper, we present an approach aimed at making systematic the assessment of RfPs that technology providers need to conduct in order to decide whether they present a bid or not in a call for tenders project. The approach extends a metamodel we already defined for the former PABRE method, which has a similar goal but from the perspective of the organization that issues the call for tenders. The method is illustrated with an exploratory case study in the field of the railway systems domain.

Read the full paper here: https://link-springer-com.proxy2.hec.ca/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-33223-5_45