On Transforming DEMO Models to ArchiMate


Authors: H. A. (Erik) Proper, Khaled Gaaloul, Sybren de Kinderen

Tags: 2012, conceptual modeling

ArchiMate is an established enterprise architecture modelling language that allows organizations to be modelled from a holistic perspective. As a result, its modelling constructs are coarse grained by design and architects may feel that they do not get enough guidance from the language in producing ArchiMate models. To address this issue, we suggest using methods with a more refined semantics and elaborated modelling guidance, as a ‘front-end’ to ArchiMate. In this paper, we will show how the DEMO method can indeed be used as a front-end to ArchiMate, where we will focus on the automatic transformation of DEMO models to ArchiMate models. This is done by creating a formal link between DEMO and ArchiMate with additional benefits of linking DEMO’s key modelling concept of transactions, being as (socio-economic) commitments between actors, to ArchiMate. Specifically, we provide a formal approach that can be used to transform DEMO models into ArchiMate models. In addition, we provide a software implementation of our approach which is illustrated by means of an illustrative case study from the insurance domain.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-31072-0_19