Ontological anti-patterns: empirically uncovered error-pronestructures in ontology-driven conceptual models


Authors: Giancarlo Guizzardi, Tiago Prince Sales

Tags: 2015, conceptual modeling

The construction of large-scale reference conceptual models is a complex engineering activity. Todevelop high-quality models, a modeler must have the support of expressive engineering toolssuch as theoretically well-founded modeling languages and methodologies, patterns and anti-patterns and automated supporting environments. This paper proposes a set of OntologicalAnti-Patterns for Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling. These anti-patterns capture error-prone modeling decisions that can result in the creation of models that fail to exclude unintendedmodel instances (representing unintended state of affairs) or forbid intended ones (representingintended states of affairs). The anti-patterns presented here have been empirically elicitedthrough an approach of conceptual models validation via visual simulation. The paper alsopresents a series of refactoring plans for rectifying the models in which these anti-patternsoccur. In addition, we present here a computational tool that is able to: automatically identifythese anti-patterns in user’s models, guide users in assessing their consequences, and generatecorrections to these models by the automatic inclusion of OCL constraints implementing the pro-posed refactoring plans. Finally,the paper also presents an empirical study for assessing the harm-fulness of each of the uncovered anti-patterns (i.e., the likelihood that its occurrence in a modelentails unintended consequences) as well as the effectiveness of the proposed refactoring plans

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