Performing IS Development: Culture’s Emergent Influence


Authors: Irwin Brown, Peter Weimann, Sharon Geeling

Tags: 2019

This paper proposes an explanatory theory of Information Systems development (ISD) to account for the simultaneous influence of cultural factors from multiple cultural levels on ISD project outcomes. While culture is recognised as an issue in IS initiatives, few studies have considered the role of culture in ISD. Two ISD projects from one organization were cases in this study. Using qualitative data we adopt an interpretive perspective and inductive thematic analysis to illustrate the relevance of culture in the performance of ISD. Additionally, the study reveals the complexity of cultural influences from multiple cultural levels that emerge during ISD. A unique dual focus on the input and the outcomes of ISD performance facilitates insight into the responsive nature of the concepts of “The Doing” and “The Done” that emerge in this study. We discuss our results in relation to relevant theories and theoretical concepts.