Personal eHealth Knowledge Spaces though Models, Agents and Semantics


Authors: Dimitris Plexousakis, Haridimos Kondylakis, Marc Premm, Michael Schuele, Robert Woitsch, Vedran Hrgovcic

Tags: 2014, conceptual modeling

In this paper, we present a web-based platform that generates a Personal eHealth Knowledge Space as an aggregation of several knowledge sources relevant for the provision of individualized personal services. To this end, novel technologies are exploited and demonstrated, such as knowledge on demand to lower the information overload for the end-users, agent-based communication and reasoning to support cooperation and decision making, and semantic integration to provide uniform access to heterogeneous information. All three technologies are combined to create a novel web-based platform allowing seamless user interaction through a portal that supports personalized, granular and secure access to relevant information. We demonstrate the portal and then the aforementioned technologies using real medical scenarios.

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