Practical Aspects of Teaching an Applied Database Cou rse


Authors: Joobin Choobineh, Sudha Ram

Tags: 1996, conceptual modeling

The information systems curriculum recommendations proposed by ACM (Nunamaker et al., 1982), IFIP (Buckingham et al., 1987), DPMA (1991), and the recent ACM/AIS/DPMA (Couger et al., 1995, 1997) contain an overlapping core and several electives. Coverage of database concepts is required by all of the three curriculum recommendations for the development of information systems professionals. An important component of this requirement is learning the practical aspects of developing information systems by using databases. In this paper we will present our experiences and recommendations in implementing this important aspect of teaching database courses within the information systems curriculum. In particular, we will a) discuss management of field projects, including their benefits and pitfalls; and 2) make recommendations on tools and technologies available for implementation within a class room environment.

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