Precise Modeling and Verification of Topological Integrity Constraints in Spatial Databases: From an Expressive Power Study to Code Generation Principles


Authors: François Pinet, Magali Duboisset, Michel Schneider, Myoung-Ah Kang

Tags: 2005, conceptual modeling

Recent works underline that the integration of topological relationships into the Object Constraint Language (OCL) is an important field of investigation. The final goal is to provide an expressive language adapted to precisely model alphanumerical and topological constraints. In order to reach this goal, the present paper focuses on the integration of the 9 Intersection Method (9IM) into OCL. We show that this OCL+9IM language is especially suitable for the specification of topological constraints implying composite spatial objects. The expressive power of the language is also studied from a spatial point of view, and the SQL code generation from OCL+9IM expressions is considered. An important validation is related to the use of the language in the context of agricultural information systems.

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