Promoting traits into model-driven development


Authors: Timothy C. Lethbridge, Vahdat Abdelzad

Tags: 2017, conceptual modeling

Traits, as sets of behaviors, can provide a good mechanism for reusability. However, they are limited in important ways and are not present in widely used programming and modeling languages and hence are not readily available for use by mainstream developers. In this paper, we add UML associations and other modeling concepts to traits and apply them to Java and C++ through model-driven development. We also extend traits with required interfaces so dependencies at the semantics level become part of their usage, rather than simple syntactic capture. All this is accomplished in Umple, a textual modeling language based upon UML that allows adding programming constructs to the model. We applied the work to two case studies. The results show that we can promote traits to the modeling level along with the improvement in flexibility and reusability.

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