
Systems analysis and design encompasses a wide range of topics, including information systems development methods, tools and techniques, requirements elicitation and engineering, ontology engineering, conceptual modeling, database design, and others. In addition, increasingly, researchers draw the connections between systems analysis and design and information technology use, quality of information stored in systems, and the quality of decisions made based on IT.

There are several quality outlets for SAND research. These include MIS journals such as MISQISRJAIS and JMIS as well as more technical MIS journals such as the Journal of Database Management and DATABASE. It is important to note that journals in the Computer Science area, such as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringACM Transactions on Database Systems and others have also historically published high quality papers in SAND. Finally, SAND research is also published in European journals such as Requirements EngineeringInformation Systems and EJIS.

We invite you to explore SAND publications below (and of course, don’t forget to check out our Events page so you can add your submit your SAND paper to up-coming conferences)!

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