Querying Web Information Systems


Authors: Klaus-Dieter Schewe

Tags: 2001, conceptual modeling

The concept of media object is known as a view-centered approach to enable the development of maintainable web-based information systems. It allows tight linkages between databases, dialogues, processes and flexible representations at the user interface. The problem is to extend this approach by adequate query facilities. In order to solve this problem a query algebra will be defined by operations induced from a type system that are complemented by a simple generalized join-operation. It is shown that such an algebra is able to capture basic operations as known from relational algebra, aggregate operations as known from SQL and restructuring operations such as nesting and unnesting. Furthermore, the creation of URLs is supported. The focus of the paper is on the content of media objects. For the presentation of query results via web pages the metaphor of information container is exploited.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/3-540-45581-7_42