Real-Time Design Patterns: Architectural Designs for Automatic Semi-Partitioned and Global Scheduling


Authors: Adel Mahfoudhi, Amina Magdich, Mickaël Kerboeuf, Mohamed Abid, Yessine Hadj Kacem

Tags: 2015, conceptual modeling

The scheduling problem is becoming an important topic for different fields especially for Real-Time applications. Considering the complexity of Real-Time Embedded Systems (RTES) coupled with the variety of scheduling approaches and algorithms, the designer task is becoming increasingly hard. Few approaches have investigated design patterns to perform an automatic scheduling at a high-level of abstraction. However, only the partitioned scheduling that prevents task migrations has been taken into account. In this context, this paper proposes two design patterns maintaining an automatic choice of semi-partitioned and global scheduling algorithms. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) profile for the Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time Embedded systems (MARTE) is used to annotate the proposed design patterns with functional and non-functional properties.

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