Reasoning about UML/OCL class diagrams using constraint logic programming and formula


Authors: Beatriz Pérez, Ivan Porres

Tags: 2019, conceptual modeling

Model Driven Engineering promotes the use of models as the main artifacts in software and system development. Verification and validation of models are key activities to ensure the quality of the system under development. This paper presents a framework to reason about the satisfiability of class models described using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The proposed framework allows us to identify possible design flaws as early as possible in the software development cycle. More specifically, we focus on UML Class Diagrams annotated with Object Constraint Language (OCL) invariants, which are considered to be the main artifacts in Object-Oriented analysis and design for representing the static structure of a system. We use the Constraint Logic programming (CLP) paradigm to reason about UML Class Diagrams modeling foundations. In particular, we use Formula as a model-finding and design space exploration tool. We also present an experimental Eclipse plug-in, which implements our UML model to Formula translation proposal following a Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach. The proposed framework can be used to reason, validate, and verify UML Class Diagram software designs by checking correctness properties and generating model instances using the model exploration tool Formula.

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