Reengineering Conventional Data and Process Models with Business Object Models: A Case Study Based on SAP R/3 and UML


Authors: Barbara Paech, Conrad Bock, Eckhart von Hahn

Tags: 1998, conceptual modeling

Today, the business logic of complex business applications is typically documented by separate data and process models. This documentation is adequate for users to understand the functionality of the system. However, these models do not reflect the business objects which constitute a flexible architecture for continuous adaption to changes in the business processes. Business objects structure the business domain model into independent units encapsulating business data and behaviour. In this paper we describe a modeling technique for business objects and a procedure to derive the business object model from conventional data and process models. In particular, we show how to translate structured entity relationship models and event-driven process chains into UML class and activity diagrams. We then show how to enrich these diagrams with business object information.

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