Reflection: Ontology in Information Systems


Authors: Ron Weber, Yair Wand

Tags: 2004, conceptual modeling

None. 1st paragraphe : Ontology is the branch of philosophy that deals with theories about the structure and behavior of the worlds that humans perceive. Ontologists seek to articulate the fundamental types of phenomena that exist in the world and the relationships that can arise among these different types of phenomena. Ontologies can be proposed at various levels of abstraction. At the most general level, an ontology articulates the fundamental constructs we need to be able to describe any phenomenon in the world. At any intermediate level, an ontology articulates the constructs needed to describe particular types of phenomena that occur in some domain-for example, architecture, law, nursing, and carpentry. At lower levels, ontologies articulate the constructs needed to describe specific worlds-for example, the world faced by a particular business as it attempts to survive in a particular context.

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