Relational data base design for the intensional aspects of a knowledge base


Authors: C. Sartori, F. Bonfatti, L. Cavazza, P. Tiberio, S. Bergamaschi

Tags: 1988, conceptual modeling

The paper describes a methodology for designing relational data base schemata for intensional knowledge represented in terms of structured inheritance networks. The intensional data base design is, for two reasons, the first important step in producing a knowledge base design: firstly, the intensional data base itself is expected to be the subject of a large part of user information requests; secondly, it will be very large for non-trivial application domains. The design methodology includes two major steps: 1.(a) identification of the knowledge partitions deriving from the specific knowledge representation formalism; and 2.(b) design of the logical schema by taking into account both application-dependent and appication-independent information.

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