Remarks on Egon Borger: “Approaches to model business processes: a critical analysis of BPMN, workflow patterns and YAWL, SOSYM 11:305-318”


Authors: Wolfgang Reisig

Tags: 2013, conceptual modeling

Egon Börger (SOSYM, 11, pp. 305-318, 2012 ) challenges the concepts of BPMN, workflow patterns and YAWL as useful contributions to the modeling of business processes. I show that he misjudges the role of BPMN, YAWL and similar techniques in the modeling of business processes. In particular he mistakes YAWL’s formal basis, i.e. Petri nets. Börger furthermore suggests evaluation criteria for business process modeling tools. I argue that his criteria overemphasize some less important aspects, while ignoring some decisive ones.

Read the full paper here: