Repairing Business Process Models as Retrieved from Source Code


Authors: Hajo A. Reijers, María Fernández-Ropero, Mario Piattini, Ricardo Pérez-Castillo

Tags: 2013, conceptual modeling

The static analysis of source code has become a feasible solution to obtain underlying business process models from existing information systems. Due to the fact that not all information can be automatically derived from source code (e.g., consider manual activities), such business process models may not entirely reflect the original behavior of the organization. This paper provides a technique to repair such business process models on the basis of event logs collected during the execution of information systems. The technique detects missing sequence flows regarding the event log and tidily adds these sequence flows to the target business process model. In order to enhance its applicability, this technique is tool-supported. Additionally, this paper provides a case study with a real-life system to demonstrate its feasibility.

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