Requirements Engineering for Data Warehouses (RE4DW): From Strategic Goals to Multidimensional Model


Authors: Azadeh Nasiri, Esteban Zimányi, Robert Wrembel, Waqas Ahmed

Tags: 2017, conceptual modeling

Business Intelligence (BI) systems help organisations to monitor the fulfillment of business goals by means of tracking various Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Data Warehouses (DWs) supply data to compute KPIs and therefore, are an important component of any BI system. While designing a DW to monitor KPIs, the following two important questions arise: (1) What data should be stored in a DW to measure a KPI, and (2) how the data should be modelled in a DW? We present a model-based Requirement Engineering (RE) framework to answer these questions. Our proposal consists of two major modelling components, namely, the context modelling component which is used to represent why and which data is required, and data modelling component which is used to model data as a multidimensional model.

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