Requirements Engineering for Distributed Development Using Software Agents


Authors: Aluízio Haendchen Filho, Miriam Sayão

Tags: 2008, conceptual modeling, Hércules Antonio do Prado

The global spread of business is introducing a new trend in the organization of work. This dynamics in business has led to a distribution of activities in different locations, affecting also the way people develop software. Developers, software engineers, quality inspectors, and also users and customers, are distributed around the world. Since stakeholders are distributed, the software development cannot be efficiently performed without a support for articulating these people in a consistent way. Issues like distance, communication, and different time zones introduce additional difficulties to the stakeholders involved in the process. This paper explores the use of an agents architecture designed to support the Requirements Engineering, specifically the Verification and Validation (V&V) activities, in the distributed development process. A goal-driven approach is used to define high-level V&V goals that, after refined, makes possible to derive requirements and assigning responsibilities to the actors (humans, software agents, devices and programs).

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